徐娜, 李旭东, 邓雪凝, 周珊宇. 2016年广东省职业性噪声聋流行特征[J]. 环境与职业医学, 2020, 37(4): 337-340, 362. DOI: 10.13213/j.cnki.jeom.2020.19381
引用本文: 徐娜, 李旭东, 邓雪凝, 周珊宇. 2016年广东省职业性噪声聋流行特征[J]. 环境与职业医学, 2020, 37(4): 337-340, 362. DOI: 10.13213/j.cnki.jeom.2020.19381
XU Na, LI Xu-dong, DENG Xue-ning, ZHOU Shan-yu. Epidemiological characteristics of occupational noise-induced deafness in Guangdong Province in 2016[J]. Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, 2020, 37(4): 337-340, 362. DOI: 10.13213/j.cnki.jeom.2020.19381
Citation: XU Na, LI Xu-dong, DENG Xue-ning, ZHOU Shan-yu. Epidemiological characteristics of occupational noise-induced deafness in Guangdong Province in 2016[J]. Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, 2020, 37(4): 337-340, 362. DOI: 10.13213/j.cnki.jeom.2020.19381


Epidemiological characteristics of occupational noise-induced deafness in Guangdong Province in 2016

  • 摘要:
    背景 2016年,全国报告职业性噪声聋1 220例,广东省占28.44%,噪声危害严重。
    目的 通过分析广东省职业性噪声聋流行病学特征,找出高危人群和高危行业,为职业性噪声聋的科学精准防控提供依据。
    方法 以全省所有存在噪声危害的企业为单位进行调查。向原安监部门收集2016年工作场所噪声检测资料,向职业病防治机构收集辖区内当年度噪声暴露工人的个人基本信息和在岗期间职业健康检查结果,在职业病与职业卫生信息监测系统中调取确诊的职业性噪声聋人数。分析职业性噪声聋的地区、行业、企业规模、经济类型、性别和暴露工龄的差异。
    结果 2016年广东省开展噪声检测岗位30583个,超标数为8922个,超标率29.17%。247737名噪声暴露作业人员的纯音听阈测试中,双耳高频平均听阈≥ 40 dB的检出人数为25 020人,检出率10.10%。职业性噪声聋的报告病例数347例,患病率为0.14%。地区分布上,以广佛肇地区(144/70 029,0.21%)的患病率较高;行业分布上,以制造业(311/196 652,0.16%)、建筑业(3/1 219,0.25%)、批发和零售业(13/4861,0.27%)的患病率较高;企业规模分布上,以中型企业(129/61 124,0.21%)和小型企业(107/54 166,0.20%)的患病率较高;性别分布上,以男性(310/196 600,0.16%)的患病率较高;暴露工龄分布上,以 < 4年组(41/125 995,0.03%)的患病率较低,4年及以上暴露工龄者患病率在0.17%~0.36%间,以10~20年工龄者为最高。
    结论 广东省的职业性噪声聋防控形势较严峻,需加强对广佛肇地区、制造业、中小型企业的治理和男性及长暴露工龄者的防护。


    Background In 2016, there were 1 220 reported cases of occupational noise-induced deafness in China, and 28.44% of these cases were reported in Guangdong Province, indicating a serious noise hazard.
    Objective By analyzing the epidemiological characteristics of occupational noise-induced deafness in Guangdong Province, the study aims to identify high-risk populations and industries, in order to provide evidence for a scientific and accurate prevention and control program against the disease.
    Methods Investigations were carried out in enterprises with noise hazards in the province. Workplace noise detection data in 2016 were retrieved from former local safety supervision departments, noise-exposed workers' general information and occupational health examination results during employment were collected from local occupational disease prevention and treatment institutions, and the number of registered cases of occupational noise-induced deafness was from the national occupational diseases diagnosis system. Distributions of occupational noise-induced deafness were described by region, industry, enterprise scale, economic type, sex, and exposure duration.
    Results The number of noise-exposed workstations exceeding the national limit of noise exposure in Guangdong Province in 2016 was 8 922, and the exceeding rate was 29.17% (8 922/30 583). The number of noise-exposed workers with average hearing threshold of binaural high-frequency ≥ 40 dB was 25 020, and the positive rate was 10.10% (25 020/247 737). There were 347 registered cases of occupational noise-induced deafness, and the morbidity rate was 0.14%. Regionally, GuangdongFoshan-Zhaoqing Area (144/70 029, 0.21%) had a higher morbidity rate than other areas. Industrially, manufacturing industry (311/196 652, 0.16%), construction industry (3/1 219, 0.25%), and wholesale and retail industry (13/4 861, 0.27%) had higher morbidity rates than other industries. By enterprise scale, medium-scale enterprises (129/61 124, 0.21%) and small-scale enterprises (107/54 166, 0.20%) had higher morbidity rates than other scales of enterprises. By gender, male workers (310/196 600, 0.16%) had a higher morbidity rate than female workers. By exposure duration, the group of working less than 4 years (41/125 995, 0.03%) had a lower morbidity rate than other working age groups, the groups of working 4 years and more had morbidity rates of 0.17%-0.36%, and the group of working 10-20 years had the highest rate.
    Conclusion Guangdong is facing a severe challenge in prevention and control of occupational noise-induced deafness. Strengthened management and protection should be put to male and chronically noise-exposed workers in Guangdong-Foshan-Zhaoqing Area, manufacturing industry, and small- and medium-scale enterprises.


