陈姣, 汪源, 陶黎纳, 王晓宇, 葛宏妍, 周志俊, 丁瑾瑜. 激发创新思维推动学科探究——第十三届全国环境与职业医学研究生学术研讨会纪要[J]. 环境与职业医学, 2017, 34(11): 1037-1039. DOI: 10.13213/j.cnki.jeom.2017.17675
引用本文: 陈姣, 汪源, 陶黎纳, 王晓宇, 葛宏妍, 周志俊, 丁瑾瑜. 激发创新思维推动学科探究——第十三届全国环境与职业医学研究生学术研讨会纪要[J]. 环境与职业医学, 2017, 34(11): 1037-1039. DOI: 10.13213/j.cnki.jeom.2017.17675
CHEN Jiao, WANG Yuan, TAO Li-na, WANG Xiao-yu, GE Hong-yan, ZHOU Zhi-jun, DING Jin-yu. Stimulating creative thinking and promoting subject exploration:Minutes of the thirtieth National Postgraduates Symposium on Environmental and Occupational Medicine[J]. Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, 2017, 34(11): 1037-1039. DOI: 10.13213/j.cnki.jeom.2017.17675
Citation: CHEN Jiao, WANG Yuan, TAO Li-na, WANG Xiao-yu, GE Hong-yan, ZHOU Zhi-jun, DING Jin-yu. Stimulating creative thinking and promoting subject exploration:Minutes of the thirtieth National Postgraduates Symposium on Environmental and Occupational Medicine[J]. Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, 2017, 34(11): 1037-1039. DOI: 10.13213/j.cnki.jeom.2017.17675


Stimulating creative thinking and promoting subject exploration:Minutes of the thirtieth National Postgraduates Symposium on Environmental and Occupational Medicine

  • 摘要: 2017年11月5-8日,《环境与职业医学》编委会、复旦大学公共卫生学院、上海市预防医学会联袂主办的"第十三届全国环境与职业医学研究生学术研讨会"在复旦大学公共卫生学院顺利召开。来自全国多所高校及科研单位的130余名师生出席了此次会议,累计收到优秀征文稿66篇。与会代表围绕"从研究到干预——弥合裂痕"的会议主题,展开了专家大会报告、研究生大会汇报、分组学术交流、专家讲座、职场规划宣讲等内容,研究生们和专家在会上进行了充分的交流和讨论,现场气氛十分热烈。会议进一步拓展了《环境与职业医学》杂志及其主办单位上海市疾病预防控制中心在高校公共卫生师生中的影响力,也为本刊吸引更多潜在作者和优质稿源打下了坚实的基础。


    Abstract: The 13th National Postgraduates Symposium on Environmental and Occupational Medicine was held successfully in School of Public Health, Fudan University from November 5 to 8, 2017. The symposium was sponsored by the Editorial Board of the Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine (JEOM), School of Public Health, Fudan University, and Shanghai Preventive Medicine Association. About 130 participants from nationwide universities and research institutes were in attendance and 66 outstanding articles were received. The theme for the symposium was From research to intervention:Healing the schism. The contents of this symposium contained expert reports, postgraduate reports, group academic exchange, guest lecture, etc. The experts and the graduate students had a good communication at the meeting, and the atmosphere was very warm. JEOM and Shanghai Municipal Center for Diseases Control and Prevention extended their reach in teachers and students and the meeting laid a solid foundation for attracting more potential authors and high-quality articles.


