郭薇薇, 刘美霞, 杨凤, 丁文彬, 瞿菁, 尹艳. 2019年上海市小微型企业粉尘接触工人尘肺病主动监护结果分析[J]. 环境与职业医学, 2021, 38(8): 877-882. DOI: 10.13213/j.cnki.jeom.2021.21163
引用本文: 郭薇薇, 刘美霞, 杨凤, 丁文彬, 瞿菁, 尹艳. 2019年上海市小微型企业粉尘接触工人尘肺病主动监护结果分析[J]. 环境与职业医学, 2021, 38(8): 877-882. DOI: 10.13213/j.cnki.jeom.2021.21163
GUO Weiwei, LIU Meixia, YANG Feng, DING Wenbin, QU Jing, YIN Yan. Analysis on active health surveillance for pneumoconiosis among workers exposed to dust in small and micro enterprises in Shanghai in 2019[J]. Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, 2021, 38(8): 877-882. DOI: 10.13213/j.cnki.jeom.2021.21163
Citation: GUO Weiwei, LIU Meixia, YANG Feng, DING Wenbin, QU Jing, YIN Yan. Analysis on active health surveillance for pneumoconiosis among workers exposed to dust in small and micro enterprises in Shanghai in 2019[J]. Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, 2021, 38(8): 877-882. DOI: 10.13213/j.cnki.jeom.2021.21163


Analysis on active health surveillance for pneumoconiosis among workers exposed to dust in small and micro enterprises in Shanghai in 2019

  • 摘要:
    背景 尘肺病是我国最主要的职业病,小微型企业粉尘接触工人是尘肺病发病的高危人群。然而,由于其职业卫生服务覆盖率低,发病具体情况不明。
    目的 通过尘肺病主动监测试点,评估小微型企业粉尘接触工人尘肺病的检出率和发病特点。
    方法 2019年1月1日至12月31日,针对上海市粉尘危害企业相对集中或近5年尘肺病累计发病人数较多的3个区,选择76家小型或微型企业近3年内未进行过职业健康检查的粉尘接触工人703人,对其开展免费职业健康检查。主要检查内容为胸片和肺功能检查。肺功能指标包括用力肺活量(FVC)、第一秒用力呼气容积(FEV1)、第一秒用力呼气容积占用力肺活量比值(FEV1/FVC),各指标均以实测值占预计值的百分比(FVC%、FEV1%、FEV1/FVC%)表示。
    结果 76家企业的经济类型以私有经济为主(73.7%),行业以机械制造业为主(48.7%)。监测粉尘接触工人703人,平均年龄为(43.8±9.7)岁,接尘工龄为(7.2±6.7)年,接触电焊烟尘者最多(28.3%)。703人中检出疑似职业病1人(0.1%),职业禁忌证1人(0.1%)。胸片检查结果中,尘肺样改变检出率为0.1%,其他异常检出率为21.6%。肺功能检查结果中,FVC%、FEV1%和FEV1/FVC%异常检出率分别为5.3%、2.6%和0.9%,肺功能指标异常检出率为5.8%。胸片异常和肺功能异常检出率均随年龄和接尘工龄增加呈逐渐增高的趋势(P < 0.05)。
    结论 该市存在粉尘危害的小微型企业行业类型相对集中,接触电焊烟尘者最多,该年度通过尘肺主动监测检出1例疑似职业病,不同粉尘种类、年龄和接尘工龄的劳动者职业健康检查结果存在差异。


    Background Pneumoconiosis is the most important occupational disease in China. Workers in small and micro enterprises are at a high risk of pneumoconiosis. However, due to the low coverage of relevant occupational health services, the exact incidences of the disease are unclear.
    Objective Through a pilot program of active health surveillance for pneumoconiosis, this study investigates the detection rate and incidence characteristics of pneumoconiosis among dustexposed workers in small and micro enterprises.
    Methods From January 1 to December 31, 2019, in three jurisdictions in Shanghai where dust-exposed enterprises were concentrated or high cumulative numbers of pneumoconiosis cases were identified in the past five years, a total of 703 dust-exposed workers were selected from 76 small or micro enterprises without ordering occupational health examinations in the last three years, and free occupational health examinations were implemented. The examinations consisted of chest radiograph and pulmonary respiratory function tests. The indicators of pulmonary respiratory function test included forced vital capacity (FVC), forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1), and FEV1/FVC. All indicators were expressed as percentage of actual measurement to expected value (FVC%, FEV1%, and FEV1/FVC%).
    Results The main economic type of the 76 enterprises was private economy (73.7%), and the main industry was machinery manufacturing (48.7%). A total of 703 workers were selected, with an average age of (43.8±9.7) years and an average dust-exposed working age of (7.2±6.7) years. The majority of the workers were exposed to welding dust (28.3%). There was one case of suspected pneumoconiosis (0.1%) and one case of occupational contraindication (0.1%). According to chest radiograph examination, the positive rate of pneumoconiosis-like changes was 0.1% and the rate of other abnormalities was 21.6%. According to pulmonary respiratory function test, the abnormal rates of FVC%, FEV1%, and FEV1/FVC% were 5.3%, 2.6%, and 0.9%, respectively, and the abnormal rate of lung functions was 5.8%. The positive rates of abnormal chest radiographs and abnormal lung functions were gradually increased with older age and longer dust-exposed history (P < 0.05).
    Conclusion Industry types of small and micro enterprises with dust hazards are consolidated in Shanghai. The workers exposed to welding fumes are the largest group. In 2019, one case of suspected occupational disease is detected through the active surveillance. The results of occupational health examination are different among workers grouped by dust, age, and dust-exposed working age.


