
Mitochondrial DNA copy number: a new biomarker of occupational and environmental exposure

  • 摘要: 线粒体是职业和环境化学物毒效应的重要靶细胞器,线粒体相应结构和功能指标可能成为化学物暴露的早期效应标志。本文综述了外周组织线粒体DNA拷贝数(mtDNAcn)在职业和环境化学物暴露下的变化特征,苯、二甲基甲酰胺等有机溶剂及多环芳烃暴露可增加mtDNAcn,但空气颗粒物与烟草烟雾的长期暴露却又能降低mtDNAcn,因而表明mtDNAcn在不同毒物及其暴露时间和剂量下可能会出现不同的效应特征,mtDNAcn在职业和环境化学物早期危害效应监护中的作用值得研究。


    Abstract: Mitochondria is the common poison target of environmental and occupational chemicals, and related mitochondrial functional and structural changes may become early markers of chemical exposures. In this review, the variations of peripheral mitochondrial DNA copy number (mtDNAcn) were assessed after exposure to environmental and occupational chemicals. mtDNAcn was increased after exposure to chemicals such as benzene, dimethylformamide, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. However, a long-term exposure to air particles or tobacco smoke led to a decrease of mtDNAcn. Thus, mtDNAcn responses would differ depending on chemicals, exposure time, and exposure dose. The application of mtDNAcn to surveillance of early effects of occupational and environmental chemicals is worth investigating.


