
Comprehensive assessment on protective performance of common self-inhalation flter type respirators

  • 摘要:
    目的 评估常见自吸过滤式防颗粒物口罩的防护效果,为公众和专业人员正确、合理使用防尘口罩提供科学依据。

    方法 选取市场上常见的21种口罩,可分为折叠式(10种)、杯形(5种)、平板式(6种)3种类型和日常防护(6种)、医用防护(2种)、劳动保护(13种)3种标称功能,分别检测口罩的过滤效率、呼吸阻力、泄漏性及血液穿透情况。

    结果 平板式口罩P1~P6的过滤效率均值为2.30%~80.94%,除编号为AN1的口罩外,其他口罩的过滤效率均符合相关标准。带有呼气阀的口罩吸气阻力高于无呼气阀口罩(P < 0.05),呼气阻力则相反(P < 0.05)。平板式口罩的泄漏性较大,折叠式及杯形口罩的泄漏性测试结果差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),口罩的泄漏性在不同脸型的测试人员间差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。平板式口罩P1和P6血液穿透率分别为60%和40%。

    结论 所测口罩的呼吸阻力均符合国家标准的要求。纱布或棉布平板式口罩无防尘、防血液穿透作用;不织布平板式口罩仅有防血液穿透能力,无防尘作用;折叠式及杯形口罩仍需根据国人的脸型进行改进。使用者应根据自身的脸型特点及防护需求选择并正确佩戴口罩。


    Objective To test the protective performance of common self-inhalation filter type respirators and provide scientific evidence of proporiate usage for the public and professionals.

    Methods A total of 21 models of retail respirators, including 3 styles (foldable, n=10; cup-shaped, n=5; plain, n=6) and 3 use purposes (regular protection, n=6; medical protection, n=2; labor protection, n=13), were tested for filtering efficiency, respiratory resistance, total inward leakage, and blood penetration.

    Results The filtering efficiencies of plain respirators P1-P6 were 2.30%-80.94%. The filtering efficiencies of the tested respirators were all up to relevant national standards except the model marked as AN1. The inhalation resistance of respirators with exhalation valve was significantly higher than that of the others (P < 0.05), but the exhalation resistance test results reversed (P < 0.05). The plain type respirators' seal performance was poor; the total inward leakage was not different between the foldable respirators and the cup-shaped respirators (P>0.05); the total inward leakage across subjects with different facial characteristics was statistically varied (P < 0.05). Moreover, the blood penetration rate of P1 and P6 were 60% and 40%, respectively.

    Conclusion All tested respirators meet the requirements of relevant national standards. The plain type respirators made of gauze and cotton are not capable of preventing dust or blood penetration. The plain type respirators made of nonwovens can resist blood penetration but not dust. Foldable and cup-shaped respirators need remodification according to the facial characteristics of Chinese people. The choice and wearing of respirators should depend on facial characteristics of users and protective requirements.


