
Physical activity among elderly residents in 15 provinces of China in 2015

  • 摘要:
    背景 中国已经进入了老龄化社会,而且人口的老龄化程度正在加速,高龄化趋势加剧。全社会对老年健康的问题更为关注。适当的身体活动,特别是主动积极的运动锻炼能够延缓老年人身体各方面功能的退行性变化,提高老年人生活质量并促进老年人身体健康。

    目的 分析中国十五省(直辖市、自治区)(后简称:十五省)65岁及以上老年人身体活动状况,为合理指导老年人身体活动提供依据。

    方法 研究利用2015年“中国居民营养状况变迁的队列研究”调查资料。采用问卷调查法收集个人基础资料如性别、年龄、教育程度、收入状况、居住地等,以及身体活动(包括职业性、家务性、交通性、休闲性身体活动)资料。本研究选取有完整人口学信息和身体活动数据的65岁及以上人群作为研究对象,共计3 282人,计算每周身体活动总量和休闲性身体活动量。采用每周参加各种身体活动所花费的时间(h/周)与相应的代谢当量(MET)的乘积(MET·h/周)来评估身体活动量。分析不同特征老年人身体活动总量和休闲性身体活动状况,并与《中国居民膳食指南》(2016)推荐的休闲性身体活动量进行比较。

    结果 中国65岁及以上老年人身体活动的参与率为80.0%,全人群身体活动总量中位数为39.4 MET·h/周,参与身体活动的人群身体活动总量中位数为52.9 MET·h/周。休闲性身体活动的参与率为6.6%,全人群休闲性身体活动量中位数为0 MET·h/周,参与休闲性身体活动的人群休闲性身体活动量中位数为34.7 MET·h/周。65~79岁年龄组、高教育程度(高中及以上)、高收入水平(家庭人均年收入≥10 000元)和城市人群参与休闲性身体活动的比率较高(P < 0.05)。参与休闲性身体活动的老年人中,每周休闲性身体活动达到推荐量(15MET·h/周)的人群比率为94.9%。

    结论 中国十五省65岁及以上老年人参加休闲性身体活动的比率较低,且休闲性身体活动量不足;参与休闲性身体活动者的休闲性身体活动量达到《中国居民膳食指南》(2016)的推荐要求。


    Background China has become an aging society with accelerating aging population. Thus, the health problems of an aging population have raised social concerns. Appropriate physical activity, especially active exercise can delay degenerative changes and improve the quality of life and their health.

    Objective This study is designed to investigate status of physical activity among Chinese adults aged 65 years and above in 15 provinces (including municipalities and autonomous regions) (hereinafter referred to as 15 provinces) of China, and provide reasonable guidance for physical activity of elderly residents.

    Methods Data were retrieved from the China Nutritional Transition Cohort Study 2015. Information on demographic characteristics (such as sex, age, education, income, and residence) and physical activity (including work-related, family-related, traffic-related, and leisure time) was investigated by questionnaire. A total of 3 282 participants aged 65 years and above with complete information on demographic characteristics and physical activity were included in the final analysis. Total physical activity and leisure time physical activity of the elderly with different characteristics were calculated by multiplying time spent on various physical activities every week (h/week) and corresponding metabolic equivalent (MET), and compared with the recommended physical activity level of the Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents (2016).

    Results The participation rate of physical activity was 80.0% among the elderly residents aged 65 years and above in China. The median total physical activity level was 39.4MET·h/week in the total population and 52.9MET·h/week in the population participating in physical activity. The participation rate of leisure time physical activity was 6.6%. The median total leisure time physical activity level was 0 MET·h/week in the total population and 34.7 MET·h/week in the population participating in leisure time physical activity. Those at 65-79 years old, high education level (high school and above), high income level (family annual income per capita ≥ 10 000 yuan), and living in urban areas had a higher leisure time physical activity level (P < 0.05). The rate of elderly residents participating in leisure time physical activity who achieved the recommended physical activity level (15 MET·h/week) was 94.9%.

    Conclusion The total participation rate of leisure time physical activity is low and the level of leisure time physical activity is insufficient among seniors in the 15 provinces of China, and the leisure time physical activity level of those participating in leisure time physical activity meets the relevant recommendation stipulated by the Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents (2016).


