马鑫模, 李梦涵, 李芙娴, 庞艳婷, 张婷. 2010—2020年全球公共卫生领域电子烟相关研究趋势及可视化分析[J]. 环境与职业医学, 2022, 39(1): 58-64. DOI: 10.11836/JEOM21247
引用本文: 马鑫模, 李梦涵, 李芙娴, 庞艳婷, 张婷. 2010—2020年全球公共卫生领域电子烟相关研究趋势及可视化分析[J]. 环境与职业医学, 2022, 39(1): 58-64. DOI: 10.11836/JEOM21247
MA Xinmo, LI Menghan, LI Fuxian, PANG Yanting, ZHANG Ting. Global research trends and visual analysis of e-cigarette in public health : 2010-2020[J]. Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, 2022, 39(1): 58-64. DOI: 10.11836/JEOM21247
Citation: MA Xinmo, LI Menghan, LI Fuxian, PANG Yanting, ZHANG Ting. Global research trends and visual analysis of e-cigarette in public health : 2010-2020[J]. Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, 2022, 39(1): 58-64. DOI: 10.11836/JEOM21247


Global research trends and visual analysis of e-cigarette in public health : 2010-2020

  • 摘要:
    背景 近年来电子烟的使用人数逐渐增多,相关健康问题也正在引起人们的注意。

    目的 本研究通过文献计量学方法,分析2010—2020年间电子烟相关研究文献的特点、研究趋势及对电子烟毒性的研究现状,为电子烟健康效应相关研究提供参考。

    方法 检索Web of Science数据库中电子烟相关文献,利用Web of Science提供的“创建引文报告”和“分析检索结果”功能,从出版时间、文献类型、出版物来源、国家/地区、研究方向、发文机构等方面对文献进行统计和分析,借助文献计量可视化软件CiteSpace V5.7的知识图谱绘制功能,绘制作者合作图谱、机构合作图谱、关键词共现及关键词突现图、文献共被引图谱。

    结果 共检索到发表于2010—2020年共3094篇(公共卫生领域)与电子烟健康风险相关的文献,其中,2018—2020年发表的文献占全部文献数量的54.7%,发文前三位的研究机构来自美国(68.0%)、英国(7.6%)、加拿大(6.1%);发文最多的作者是King BA(67篇);发表最多相关研究的期刊是《尼古丁与烟草研究》(Nicotine Tobacco Research,536篇)。电子烟相关研究热点涉及“社会经济模式”“多种健康的行为”“表达抑制情绪调节策略”“戒烟干预研究”和“计算机短暂干预”等,关键词“Cigarette smoking”的突现强度最高,达到24.20;在2010—2020年间,关键词“Nicotine dependence”和“Disease”的突现时间最长,达到5年;关键词“Policy”为最新出现的高频词。文献《Levels of selected carcinogens and toxicants in vapour from electronic cigarettes》被引用的次数最多,共266次。

    结论 Web of Science数据库中电子烟相关研究发文量以2018—2020年居多,表明电子烟的健康风险正受到研究者关注。美国在该领域的研究在全球范围内领先,未来重点研究方向在于电子烟政策上。


    Background In recent years, due to the increasing number of e-cigarette users, the health problems caused by e-cigarettes are attracting people's attention.

    Objective This study is designed to analyze the characteristics of e-cigarette-related research literature, research trends, and its toxicity from 2010 to 2020 through bibliometric analysis to provide a reference for studies related to the health effects of e-cigarettes.

    Methods The studies related to e-cigarettes in the Web of Science were retrieved, and the functions of "Creating citation report" and "Analyzing retrieval results" provided by Web of Science were used to conduct statistical analysis on publication time, literature type, publication source, country/region, research interests, research institution, etc. With the help of the knowledge function of CiteSpace V5.7, author collaboration, organization cooperation, keyword co-occurrence and keyword emergence, and reference co-citation were visualized.

    Results A total of 3094 studies related to health risks of e-cigarettes (public health) wereretrieved from 2010 to 2020, and the number of articles published between 2018 and 2020 accounted for 54.7% of total number. The top research institutions were from the United States (68.0%), the United Kingdom (7.6%), and Canada (6.1%). The most published author is King BA (67). The journal that published the most relevant studies was Nicotine Tobacco Research (536). The hot topics of e-cigarette research included "socioeconomic patterning," "multiple healthy behaviors," "expressive suppression emotion regulation strategies," "smoking cessation intervention studies" and "computer-delivered brief intervention". The burst intensity of keywords "cigarette smoking" was the highest, reaching 24.2. Between 2010 and 2020, the keywords "Nicotine dependence" and "Disease" emerged for the longest period of five years. "Policy" was the latest high-frequency word. The literature "Levels of selected carcinogens and toxicants in vapour from electronic cigarettes" was cited for the highest frequency, totaling 266 times.

    Conclusion The number of articles published has notably increased in 2018-2020, suggesting that researchers are paying attention to the health risks of e-cigarettes worldwide. The United States leads the world in the research of e-cigarette health risks. The future research direction will be focused on e-cigarette policy.


