李飞, 孔璐, 王博深, 徐凡伟, 蔡纳, 朱宝立. 基于四种风险评估模型的正己烷职业健康风险评估[J]. 环境与职业医学, 2024, 41(6): 655-660. DOI: 10.11836/JEOM23398
引用本文: 李飞, 孔璐, 王博深, 徐凡伟, 蔡纳, 朱宝立. 基于四种风险评估模型的正己烷职业健康风险评估[J]. 环境与职业医学, 2024, 41(6): 655-660. DOI: 10.11836/JEOM23398
LI Fei, KONG Lu, WANG Boshen, XU Fanwei, CAI Na, ZHU Baoli. Occupational health risk assessment of n-hexane based on four risk assessment models[J]. Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, 2024, 41(6): 655-660. DOI: 10.11836/JEOM23398
Citation: LI Fei, KONG Lu, WANG Boshen, XU Fanwei, CAI Na, ZHU Baoli. Occupational health risk assessment of n-hexane based on four risk assessment models[J]. Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, 2024, 41(6): 655-660. DOI: 10.11836/JEOM23398


Occupational health risk assessment of n-hexane based on four risk assessment models

  • 摘要:
    背景 正己烷是工业生产中广泛使用的溶剂,但其在常温下具有挥发性,同时具有蓄积性,企业工人长期接触会导致严重的慢性疾病。
    目的 本文使用四种风险评估模型评价正己烷暴露工人的健康风险水平,探讨四种模型在正己烷暴露健康风险评估的适用性,对国内正己烷健康风险评估进行重要补充。
    方法 2022年选取江苏省内85个制造业企业中167个接触正己烷的工作岗位,对1724个接触正己烷的工人做横断面研究,包括问卷调查和工作场所空气中正己烷浓度监测。随后基于大样本、多企业、多岗位数据,采用我国工作场所职业病危害作业分级标准、美国环境保护署(EPA)模型、新加坡半定量风险评估模型和国际采矿与金属委员会(ICMM)职业健康风险评估模型(简称ICMM模型)进行定量、半定量和定性风险评估,进而分析正己烷暴露工人的职业健康风险水平。
    结果 各个岗位正己烷暴露8 h时间加权平均浓度(CTWA)均未超过职业接触限值(OELs)。我国职业病危害作业分级标准结果显示各个岗位被评价为相对无害作业岗位。随后使用新加坡半定量风险评估模型评价,结果显示除2个粘胶岗监测点被评估为中等风险,其他岗位均为低风险。ICMM模型定量法评估认为所有岗位的正己烷空气中暴露浓度都为不可容忍,而矩阵法认为所有岗位都为低风险级别。美国EPA模型评价结果显示除喷漆、印刷、粘胶岗位的五个监测点被评为高风险,其他岗位均被评价为低风险。
    结论 根据我国职业病危害作业分级评判各个岗位正己烷暴露均为无危害等级,而新加坡半定量风险评估模型和美国EPA模型均出现中等及高风险等级。因此职业病危害作业分级并不能作为唯一的依据,仍需要结合新加坡半定量风险评估模型和美国EPA模型,综合考虑实际的接触浓度对工人的职业危害。


    Background N-hexane has been a widely used solvent in industrial production, but it is volatile at room temperature and can be accumulated in the body, and its prolonged occupational exposure may lead to serious chronic diseases in workers.
    Objective To use four risk assessment models to evaluate the health risk levels of n-hexane-exposed workers, discuss the applicability of the four models in the health risk assessment of n-hexane exposure, and make an important supplement to the health risk assessment of n-hexane in China.
    Methods In 2022, a total of 167 jobs (1724 workers) exposed to n-hexane in 85 manufacturing enterprises in Jiangsu Province were selected, and a cross-sectional study was conducted and included questionnaire surveys and evaluation of on-site air n-hexane of each job. Subsequently, the China’s classification standards of occupational hazards at workplaces (China model), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) model, Singapore semi-quantitative risk assessment model (Singapore model), and the International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM) model were applied to the quantitative, semi-quantitative, and qualitative assessments of the occupational health risk level of n-hexane-exposed workers.
    Results All job’s 8-h time-weighted average concentrations (CTWA) of n-hexane were within the national occupational exposure limits (OELs). The results of the China model graded all jobs as relatively harmless. The Singapore model graded all jobs as low risk, except that two monitoring sites of adhesive jobs were assessed as medium risk. The ICMM quantitative model evaluated all jobs as intolerable for n-hexane airborne exposure, while the matrix method evaluated all jobs as low risk. The U.S. EPA model identified five sites involving painting, printing, and adhesive jobs as high risk and the other jobs as low risk.
    Conclusion Inconsistent grading results are observed by using the four models for the occupational health risk assessment of n-hexane exposure, that is, harmless for all jobs by China model, while medium and high risks by Singapore model and U.S. EPA model. Therefore, we recommend to combine the Singapore model and the U.S. EPA model with the China model to assess the occupational risk of n-hexane-exposed workers by considering actual concentrations of exposure.


