孙晋, 闫晨曦, 赵卓慧, 谢臣晨, 龚正阳, 唐颢, 乐坤蕾, 承语芝, 殷竹琰, 袁静宜, 陈德, 蔡云飞. 基于PM2.5和CO2现场实时监测的大型展馆室外吸烟点优化设置研究[J]. 环境与职业医学, 2024, 41(6): 673-680. DOI: 10.11836/JEOM23432
引用本文: 孙晋, 闫晨曦, 赵卓慧, 谢臣晨, 龚正阳, 唐颢, 乐坤蕾, 承语芝, 殷竹琰, 袁静宜, 陈德, 蔡云飞. 基于PM2.5和CO2现场实时监测的大型展馆室外吸烟点优化设置研究[J]. 环境与职业医学, 2024, 41(6): 673-680. DOI: 10.11836/JEOM23432
SUN Jin, YAN Chenxi, ZHAO Zhuohui, XIE Chenchen, GONG Zhengyang, TANG Hao, LE Kunlei, CHENG Yuzhi, YIN Zhuyan, YUAN Jingyi, CHEN De, CAI Yunfei. Optimizing outdoor smoking points outside large exhibition halls based on real-time on-site PM2.5 and CO2 monitoring[J]. Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, 2024, 41(6): 673-680. DOI: 10.11836/JEOM23432
Citation: SUN Jin, YAN Chenxi, ZHAO Zhuohui, XIE Chenchen, GONG Zhengyang, TANG Hao, LE Kunlei, CHENG Yuzhi, YIN Zhuyan, YUAN Jingyi, CHEN De, CAI Yunfei. Optimizing outdoor smoking points outside large exhibition halls based on real-time on-site PM2.5 and CO2 monitoring[J]. Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, 2024, 41(6): 673-680. DOI: 10.11836/JEOM23432


Optimizing outdoor smoking points outside large exhibition halls based on real-time on-site PM2.5 and CO2 monitoring

  • 摘要:
    背景 公共场所室外吸烟点的设置不当可能会增加人群二手烟的暴露风险。开展吸烟点及其周边空气污染和相关影响因素的研究,为优化吸烟点的设置方案提供参考。
    目的 探索室外吸烟点吸烟人数、距离对周边空气污染扩散特征的影响,提出室外吸烟点优化设置的合理依据。
    方法 以中国国际进口博览会(简称“进博会”)大型展馆为对象,随机选取会展一层(地面层)和二层(距地面16 m)室外吸烟点各一个,在同一方向距离吸烟点0、3、6和9 m处,使用经过校验的便携式空气质量监测仪实时监测会展期间连续5 d的细颗粒物(PM2.5)与二氧化碳(CO2)质量浓度(后简称为浓度),在0 m处使用气象监测仪器同步监测环境气象因素水平(风向、风速及气压等),并在两层各选一个空旷的室外大气背景采样点开展平行采样。同期双人同步记录每个吸烟点每分钟的吸烟人数。采用广义相加回归模型开展时间序列分析,调整温度、湿度、风速等混杂因素,评估吸烟点吸烟人数、离吸烟点距离与吸烟点周边空气PM2.5和CO2浓度的关系。
    结果 会展一层和二层吸烟点每分钟吸烟人数的中位数是6人四分位数范围(IQR):3~9和9人(IQR:6~13)。监测期间,两处绝大部分时间(85.9%)处于无风(风速<0.6 m·s−1)状态。吸烟点位(0 m处)空气PM2.5浓度最高均值±标准差:(106±114) μg·m−3,是大气背景浓度(25±7) μg·m−3的4.2倍,监测点PM2.5浓度随与吸烟点距离的增加而呈梯度下降,9 m处监测点PM2.5浓度(35±22) μg·m−3接近对照点(1.4倍);CO2在0 m处监测点取得最大值(628±23) μmol·mol−1,其均值是大气背景浓度(481±40) μmol·mol−1的1.3倍,且距吸烟点0、3、6和9 m处监测点的CO2浓度未呈现梯度下降趋势。经多因素回归分析,结果显示,以吸烟点为参照,距离每增加3 m,周边PM2.5和CO2浓度分别下降24.695%置信区间(CI):23.5~25.8 μg·m−3(23.2%)和54.1 (95%CI:53.1~55.1) μmol·mol−1(8.6%)。吸烟人数每增加一人,PM2.5和CO2浓度分别增加2.0 (95%CI:1.7~2.8)μg·m−3和1.0 (95%CI:0.7~1.2) μmol·mol−1。敏感性分析结果显示,无风状态下,PM2.5和CO2在吸烟点的聚积更明显,周边不同距离点的浓度变化特征总体保持不变。
    结论 室外吸烟点可显著增加周围空气PM2.5的浓度和人群二手烟烟雾的暴露风险,但随距离的增加呈现明显的浓度下降。在无风或软风等扩散条件不良的情况下,室外吸烟点推荐设置在距离非吸烟区至少9 m或更远处。


    Background Improper settings of outdoor smoking points in public places may increase the risk of secondhand smoke exposure among the population. Conducting research on air pollution in and around smoking spots and related influencing factors can provide valuable insights for optimizing the setting of outdoor smoking points.
    Objective To investigate the influence of the number of smokers at outdoor smoking points and the distance on the diffusion characteristics of surrounding air pollutants, in order to optimize the setting of outdoor smoking points.
    Methods Surrounding the exhibition halls in the China International Import Expo (CIIE), two outdoor smoking points were randomly selected, one on the first floor (ground level) and the other on the second floor (16 m above ground), respectively. At 0, 3, 6, and 9 m from the smoking points in the same direction, validated portable air pollutant monitors were used to measure the real-time fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations for consecutive 5 d during the exhibition, as well as the environmental meteorological factors at 0 m with weather meters including wind speed, wind direction, and air pressure. An open outdoor atmospheric background sampling point was selected on each of the two floors to carry out parallel sampling. Simultaneously, the number of smokers at each smoking point were double recorded per minute. The relationships between the number of smokers, distance from the smoking points, and ambient PM2.5 and CO2 concentrations were evaluated by generalized additive regression models for time-series data after adjustment of confounders such as temperature, relative humidity, and wind speed.
    Results The median numbers of smokers at smoking points on the first and second floors were 6 interquartile range (IQR): 3, 9 and 9 (IQR: 6, 13), respectively. Windless (wind speed <0.6 m·s−1) occupied most of the time (85.9%) at both locations. The average concentration of ambient PM2.5 at the smoking points (0 m) mean ± standard deviation, (106±114) μg·m−3 was 4.2 times higher than that of the atmospheric background (25±7) μg·m−3, the PM2.5 concentration showed a gradient decline with the increase of distance from the smoking points, and the average PM2.5 concentration at 9 m points (35±22) μg·m−3 was close to the background level (1.4 times higher). The maximum concentration of CO2 (628±23) μmol·mol−1 was observed at 0 m, and its average value was 1.3 times higher than that of the atmospheric background (481±40) μmol·mol−1, and there was no gradient decrease in CO2 concentration with increasing distance at 0, 3, 6, and 9 m points. The regression analyses showed that, taking smoking point as the reference, every 3 m increase in distance was associated with a decrease of ambient PM2.5 by 24.6 95% confidence interval (95%CI): 23.5, 25.8 μg·m−3 (23.2%) and CO2 by 54.1 (95%CI: 53.1, 55.1) μmol·mol−1 (8.6%). Every one extra smoker at the smoking point was associated with an average increase of PM2.5 and CO2 by 2.0 (95%CI: 1.7, 2.8) μg·m−3 and 1.0 (95%CI: 0.7, 1.2) μmol·mol−1, respectively. The sensitivity analysis indicated that, under windless conditions, the concentrations of PM2.5 and CO2 at the smoking points were even higher but the decreasing and dispersion characteristics remained consistent.
    Conclusion Outdoor smoking points could significantly increase the PM2.5 concentrations in the surrounding air and the risks of secondhand smoke exposure, despite of the noticeable decreasing trend with increasing distance. Considering the inevitable poor dispersion conditions such as windless and light wind, outdoor smoking points are recommended to be set at least 9 m or farther away from non-smoking areas.


