
Preliminary Estimation of Physical Doses of Exposed Individuals in Radiation Accident of Nanjing Iridium-192 Radioactive Source Loss

  • 摘要: 调查南京铱-192 放射源丢失辐射事故的发生经过和受照人员,估算重点关注的人员物理剂量。采用点源公式估算受照者所处位置剂量率,利用有关参数、因子估算吸收剂量和有效剂量。本事故导致多人受照,其中王某大腿局部剂量高达150 Gy,手部剂量14 Gy,全身有效剂量约2.5 Sv,染色体畸变生物剂量估算为1.3 Sv;王妻全身有效剂量约270 mSv,其他人员小于40 mSv。王某全身和局部受照剂量较大,根据临床表现和生物剂量诊断为急性轻度放射性病;其他人员无明显临床症状。


    Abstract: This article described the loss of iridium-192 radioactive source in Nanjing and estimated the physical doses of exposed individuals. Point source formula was used to estimate the dose rates of the exposed individuals at distances from the point source. Absorbance doses and effective doses were estimated using relevant parameters and factors. Several people were exposed in the accident. The man, surnamed Wang, was exposed to iridium-192 with a thigh dose as high as 150 Gy, a hand dose up to 14 Gy, and a whole-body effective dose of 2.5 Sv; his biological dose estimate of chromosomal aberration was 1.3 Sv. The whole-body effective dose was about 270 mSv for his wife and less than 40 mSv for the other exposed individuals. Wang reported higher whole-body and partial-body radiation doses and diagnosed as acute and mild radiation-induced diseases according to the clinical manifestations and biological doses, while others have no obvious clinical symptoms.


