
Secular trends in dietary micronutrient intakes and demographic characteristics of farmers in 15 provinces (autonomous regions) of China from 1991 to 2015

  • 摘要:
    背景 随着我国居民膳食结构的变化,微量营养素摄入不足以及与之密切相关的健康问题逐渐凸显。我国农村人口有5.9亿,随着农民收入水平的提高,对食物的消费观念也在转变。

    目的 本研究旨在分析我国十五省(自治区)18岁及以上农民微量营养素摄入的长期变化趋势,为指导农民的营养干预和慢性病防治工作提供依据。

    方法 利用1991-2015年间"中国健康与营养调查"中有完整膳食及相关数据的18岁及以上农民作为研究对象,共计29 119名。膳食调查采用连续"3天24小时膳食回顾法"和家庭称重记账法(食用油和调味品),借助食物成分表将食物消费量转换成能量及各类营养素摄入量。

    结果 2015年,农民平均每日视黄醇和硫胺素、核黄素、尼克酸、维生素C、维生素E、钾、钠、钙、磷、镁、铁、锰、锌、铜及硒摄入量分别为564.42 μg(以视黄醇活性当量计)和0.89、0.72、15.06、72.87、31.04、1 546.99、4 932.13、332.09、927.31、276.86、22.14、6.02、10.74、1.75mg及41.72μg。与1991年相比,2015年农民视黄醇、硫胺素、尼克酸、维生素C、钾、钠、钙、磷、镁、铁、锰、锌和铜平均每日摄入量分别下降25.44 μg和0.31、1.75、29.20、214.62、2 395.02、24.22、243.15、46.87、0.73、2.98、1.07、0.74 mg,核黄素、维生素E和硒分别增加0.04、9.85 mg和12.14 μg。2015年,65岁及以上年龄组农民硫胺素、核黄素、尼克酸、维生素C、钾、钙、磷、镁、铁、锰、锌、铜、硒的摄入量低于其他年龄组(均P < 0.05);中收入水平农民硫胺素、核黄素、维生素C的摄入量低于低、高收入农民(均P < 0.05),高收入农民钠的摄入量高于低、中收入农民(P < 0.05),低收入农民的锰摄入量高于中、高收入农民(P < 0.05)。2015年,视黄醇、核黄素和钙摄入量小于平均需要量的农民人口比例分别超过了60%、85%和95%,硫胺素和维生素C摄入量小于平均需要量的比例基本在50%以上。

    结论 1991-2015年,我国十五省(自治区)农民人群普遍存在视黄醇、硫胺素、核黄素、维生素C和钙等微量营养素摄入不足的问题,钙缺乏问题应重点关注。


    Background With the changes in dietary pattern of Chinese residents, insufficient micronutrient intakes and related health problems have gradually become prominent. The 590 million rural population in China have changed their consumption concept of food as their income rises.

    Objective This study aims to analyze the long-term trends of micronutrient intakes of farmers aged 18 years and over in 15 provinces (autonomous regions) of China, and provide guidance for farmers' nutritional intervention and the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases.

    Methods A total of 29 119 farmers aged 18 years or above with complete dietary and demographic data were selected for the study from the China Health and Nutrition Surveys in 1991-2015. Dietary intakes were collected by 3-day 24-hour dietary recall, and edible oil and condiment intakes were collected by weighing method. Food consumption was converted into energy and various micronutrient intakes by an established food composition table.

    Results In 2015, the farmer's average daily intakes of retinol, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin C, vitamin E, potassium, sodium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, manganese, zinc, copper, and selenium were 564.42 μg (in retinol activity equivalent, thereafter), 0.89 mg, 0.72 mg, 15.06 mg, 72.87 mg, 31.04 mg, 1 546.99 mg, 4 932.13 mg, 332.09 mg, 927.31 mg, 276.86 mg, 22.14 mg, 6.02 mg, 10.74 mg, 1.75 mg, and 41.72 μg, respectively. Compared with 1991, the average daily intakes of retinol, thiamine, niacin, vitamin C, potassium, sodium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, manganese, zinc, and copper decreased by 25.44 μg, 0.31 mg, 1.75 mg, 29.20 mg, 214.62 mg, 2 395.02 mg, 24.22 mg, 243.15 mg, 46.87 mg, 0.73 mg, 2.98 mg, 1.07 mg, and 0.74 mg, respectively, whereas the average daily intakes of riboflavin, vitamin E, and selenium increased by 0.04 mg, 9.85 mg, and 12.14 μg, respectively. In 2015, the intakes of thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin C, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, manganese, zinc, copper, and selenium in farmers aged 65 years and over were lower than those of the other age groups (Ps < 0.05). Middle-income farmers had lower intakes of thiamine, riboflavin, and vitamin C than other income groups (Ps < 0.05), high-income farmers had a higher intake of sodium than other income groups (P < 0.05), and low-income farmers had a higher intake of manganese than other income groups (P < 0.05). The proportions of farmers with intakes of retinol, riboflavin, and calcium less than corresponding estimated average requirements were over 60%, 85%, and 95% of total surveyed farmers, respectively, and the proportions of farmers with thiamine and vitamin C intakes less than corresponding estimated average requirements were over 50% in general.

    Conclusion From 1991 to 2015, insufficient intakes of retinol, thiamine, riboflavin, vitamin C, and calcium are pervasive among farmers in 15 provinces (autonomous regions) of China, especially calcium deficiency which deserves high priority.


