
Cord serum polybrominated diphenyl ethers levels in newborns and their influencing factors

  • 摘要:
    背景  多溴联苯醚(PBDEs)是一种广泛使用的溴代阻燃剂,对生态环境和人群健康均有不良影响,因此监测脐带血中PBDEs浓度并探究其暴露影响因素可为母婴人群PBDEs暴露风险评估提供证据。
    目的 评估新生儿脐血血清中PBDEs的水平并分析暴露影响因素。
    方法  以2009年6月—2010年1月江苏省射阳小型出生队列中的1 027名新生儿为研究对象,采用问卷收集孕妇的社会人口学、居住环境和生活习惯等信息,应用气相色谱-负化学电离源质谱法测定脐血血清中9种PBDEs同系物(BDE-28、BDE-47、BDE-99、BDE-100、BDE-153、BDE-154、BDE-183、BDE-207、BDE-209)的浓度,并以脂质浓度校正。使用多元线性回归模型分析脐血血清PBDEs浓度与孕妇社会人口学信息等的关联。
    结果 所有脐血血清样本中均可检出两种及以上的PBDEs。检出率高于90%的有BDE-207(97.27%)、BDE-100(92.99%)和BDE-209(91.63%),BDE-28、BDE-153和BDE-154的检出率范围为71.21%~81.01%。脐血血清浓度中位值最高的是BDE-209,浓度为18.37 ng·g-1(按脂肪计),其次为BDE-207(1.14 ng·g-1)、BDE-28(0.40 ng·g-1)和BDE-100(0.39 ng·g-1)等。多元线性回归分析发现:脐血血清BDE-207的浓度在25~30岁孕妇中高于年龄小于25岁的孕妇(b=0.21,95% CI:0.02~0.41,P=0.03);与孕期增重正常的孕妇相比,孕期增重不足的孕妇BDE-154浓度较高(b=0.18,95% CI:0.01~0.35,P=0.04),而孕期增重过多的孕妇BDE-209浓度较低(b=-0.16,95% CI:-0.30~-0.01,P=0.03);脐血血清BDE-153和BDE-154的浓度与家庭年收入呈正相关(b=0.18,95% CI:0.01~0.34,P=0.04;b=0.23,95% CI:0.12~0.34,P=0.01);集镇居住孕妇的脐血血清BDE-100浓度高于农村孕妇(b=0.19,95% CI:0.01~0.38,P=0.04),城区居住孕妇的脐血血清BDE-153浓度高于农村孕妇(b=0.21,95% CI:0.02~0.40,P=0.03)。此外,脐血血清中不同PBDEs同系物暴露水平存在新生儿出生季节的差异:夏秋季出生新生儿脐血血清BDE-28和BDE-100的浓度低于冬季出生的新生儿(b=-1.45,95% CI:-1.68~-1.23,P=0.01;b=-0.60,95% CI:-0.76~-0.43,P=0.01);相反,夏秋季出生新生儿脐血血清BDE-153、BDE-154和BDE-209的浓度高于冬季出生的新生儿(b=1.65,95% CI:1.45~1.84,P=0.01;b=0.40,95% CI:0.27~0.53,P=0.01;b=0.60,95% CI:0.45~0.75,P=0.01)。
    结论 本研究的新生儿广泛暴露于多种PBDEs,其中以BDE-209为主。研究提示脐血血清PBDEs的浓度与孕妇社会人口学信息和新生儿出生季节有关。


    Background Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) are widely used as brominated flame retardants and produce adverse effects on both ecological environment and human health. Therefore, monitoring the concentrations of PBDEs in cord serum and exploring the influencing factors can provide evidence for risk assessment in mother and infant populations.
    Objective The aim of this study is to evaluate PBDEs levels in newborn cord serum and explore associated influencing factors.
    Methods Between June 2009 and January 2010, 1 027 newborns from Sheyang Mini Birth Cohort Study (SMBCS) in Jiangsu Province were enrolled in this study. A questionnaire survey was conducted to collect the pregnant women's socio-demographic characteristics, living environment, and lifestyles. A total of nine PBDE congeners (BDE-28, BDE-47, BDE-99, BDE-100, BDE-153, BDE-154, BDE-183, BDE-207, and BDE-209) in the collected cord serum samples were determined using gas chromatography-negative chemical ionization mass spectrometry (GC-NCI-MS) and adjusted by total serum lipid concentrations. A multiple linear regression model was applied to explore the association between cord serum PBDEs concentrations and mother's socio-demographic characteristics.
    Results Two or more PBDEs were detected in all cord serum samples. The positive rates of BDE-207 (97.27%), BDE-100 (92.99%), and BDE-209 (91.63%) were higher than 90%, followed by BDE-28, BDE-153, and BDE-154 with the positive rates ranging from 71.21% to 81.01%. The most abundant congener in cord serum was BDE-209, with a median concentration of 18.37 ng·g-1 (calculated by lipid), followed by BDE-207 (1.14 ng·g-1), BDE-28 (0.40 ng·g-1), and BDE-100 (0.39 ng·g-1). The results of multiple linear regression models indicated that mothers aged 25 to 30 years had a higher cord serum concentration of BDE-207 (b=0.21, 95% CI: 0.02-0.41; P=0.03) than those under 25 years old; mothers with insufficient weight gain had a higher BDE-154 concentration (b=0.18, 95% CI: 0.01-0.35; P=0.04) and mothers with higher weight gain had a lower BDE-209 concentration (b=-0.16, 95% CI: -0.30﹣-0.01; P=0.03) than those with normal gestational weight gain; cord serum concentrations of BDE-153 (b=0.18, 95%CI: 0.01-0.34; P=0.04) and BDE-154 (b=0.23, 95%CI: 0.12-0.34; P=0.01) were significantly positively associated with annual household income; the mothers who lived in suburban areas had a higher BDE-100 concentration (b=0.19, 95% CI: 0.01-0.38; P=0.04) and the mothers who lived in urban areas had a higher BDE-153 concentration (b=0.21, 95% CI: 0.02-0.40; P=0.03) than those living in rural areas. Additionally, seasonal differences were also observed in the cord serum PBDEs concentrations. The cord serum BDE-28 (b=-1.45, 95% CI: -1.68﹣-1.23; P=0.01) and BDE-100 (b=-0.60, 95% CI: -0.76﹣-0.43; P=0.01) concentrations collected in summer and autumn were lower than those in winter, while the BDE-153 (b=1.65, 95% CI: 1.45-1.84; P=0.01), BDE-154 (b=0.40, 95% CI: 0.27-0.53; P=0.01) and BDE-209 (b=0.60, 95% CI: 0.45-0.75; P=0.01) concentrations presented opposite seasonal pattern.
    Conclusion The selected newborns are extensively exposed to various PBDEs, among which BDE-209 is the most dominant congener. Their cord serum PBDEs concentrations are associated with maternal socio-demographic characteristics and birth season.


