王志平, 柴鹏飞. 宁波市鄞州区37家小微企业职业病危害调查[J]. 环境与职业医学, 2013, 30(10): 783-785.
引用本文: 王志平, 柴鹏飞. 宁波市鄞州区37家小微企业职业病危害调查[J]. 环境与职业医学, 2013, 30(10): 783-785.
WANG Zhi-ping , CHAI Peng-fei . Survey on Occupational Hazards in 37 Small and Micro Enterprises in Yinzhou District of Ningbo[J]. Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, 2013, 30(10): 783-785.
Citation: WANG Zhi-ping , CHAI Peng-fei . Survey on Occupational Hazards in 37 Small and Micro Enterprises in Yinzhou District of Ningbo[J]. Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, 2013, 30(10): 783-785.


Survey on Occupational Hazards in 37 Small and Micro Enterprises in Yinzhou District of Ningbo

  • 摘要:
    目的 通过对鄞州区部分小微企业职业病危害状况的调查与分析,为有关部门制订基本职业卫生服务政策及全面开展职业病防控工作提供依据。

    方法 按照职业病危害基本情况调查工作方案,用随机数字法抽取辖区内2%的职业病危害小微企业作为调查对象,调查企业基本情况、生产工艺、职业病防护措施、工人接触情况及职业病危害因素、健康监护情况。

    结果 小微企业存在的职业病危害因素前3 位是噪声、粉尘、高温,分别占企业总数的59.5%、54.1%、18.9%。结果表明,小微企业作业场所生产性粉尘合格率为83.30%,物理因素合格率为72.02%,化学因素合格率为76.90%。

    结论 小微企业用人单位对职业病危害防制不够重视,应进一步落实职业病危害因素的工程防护和个人防护措施,建议职业卫生监管部门加强对小规模企业的职业病危害的监管。


    Objective To investigate and analyze the occupational hazards in some small and micro enterprises in Yinzhou District, and to provide basis for occupational health service policy makings and all-round prevention & control of occupational hazards.

    Methods According to the national work plan of general survey on occupational hazards, 2% small and micro enterprises in the Yinzhou District were randomly selected as study subjects to investigate the basic information, production technology, protective measures against occupational disease, and occupational hazards of the enterprises, as well as workers' exposure and occupational health surveillance.

    Results The top three occupational hazards in the selected small and micro enterprises were noise, dust, and high temperature, accounting for 59.5%, 54.1%, and 18.9% of the total enterprises respectively. The qualified rates for industrial dust, physical factors, and chemical factors were 83.30%, 72.02%, and 76.90%, respectively.

    Conclusion The small and micro enterprises have undervalued occupational hazards prevention. It is suggested to strengthen supervision of occupational hazards in small and micro-scale enterprises by improving engineering protection and personal protection measures.


